Ready to Facilitate RADICAL Change in the World?

Got Extra time to volunteer ?

Or perhaps you’d like to make a charitable contribution to a non-profit?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to work together!

Support the Bella Dea Project


The Bella Dea foundation needs help coaching and mentoring our program participants. Everything from healing and emotional support, computer/ tech support and of course helping launch a startup. If you have expertise in any of these areas and love the idea of helping improve the lives of women in need, then we’d love to visit to see if you might be a good fit for our community.

Financial Donation

Ready to make a charitable contribution to support Bella Dea Project? As a registered non-profit, your charitable donation can be deducted as a tax write off. Please contact us if you have any questions prior to donating.

In-Kind Donation

Besides hosting regular events, The Bella Dea Project helps women in so many ways from emotional and spiritual well-being to launching their dream startup biz. We have needs for all sorts of In-Kind donations.

Make a Donation.

“Out of every hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them for they make the battle.

Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the other’s back.”

-Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher


Bella Dea Is Proudly Supported by: